January 7, 2010

Got some Snow!

So we finally got some snow. Well.... we had some snow, but now we actually have a good amount on the ground. I left work a bit early since they don't actually know how to use a plow here (no, a fleet of pickup trucks does not work, they just push the snow around a bit they don't PLOW anything) and I wanted to get to fedex and home before all the idiots got on the road.

That made it a perfect time to go out and play in the snow with Rocky and Christina. Rocky even got to try out his new indestructible frisbee (and Christina got to try out her goggles). Some of the snow had drifted pretty good, so we would throw it out there and it would fly into a drift and he would go nuts trying to figure out where it went. Seems like he would have been able to smell it since it had been in his fish mouth enough.

Who wants his new frisbee!

This wild and crazy guy right here.

Christina is rocking her new goggles which I scored for an awesome price at TJ Maxx

He really really wanted it

And then would take off

Basically had to fight him to drop the frisbee and try to get in a photo with us (he is looking for the frisbee).

Struggling to be let free and obtain the frisbee

Well now we got him to look sort of near the camera. Oh wait, no, christina is holding the frisbee and he is not letting it out of his line of sight.

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