August 16, 2009

Going for the big W

Christina posted earlier today and got me a bit inspired to post on here as well. This blog has been getting neglected lately from me since i have been pretty active in posting on my new design blog. I have been posting daily on there for about a month and a half. 

So tomorrow night we have another softball game. 6:15, which means I need to go to work early so I can get out early. Right now I think we are in 3rd place (or I don't think, i am 98% sure we are). So one game tomorrow, if we win we play again at 6:15 wednesday, and if we win, that same night at 7:30, then done. So I hope it all goes well. We lost to the team we are playing tomorrow a few weeks ago. But, we were missing out pitcher, Christina wasn't there because of work, and we were short a girl in general so we were short an outfielder AND had to take an out at the bottom of the batting order. Tomorrow should go much better.

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